Board of Dentistry Meets in Orlando

Feb 9, 2024 by Casey Stoutamire
On Nov. 17, 2017, the Board of Dentistry heard presentations about laser therapy, hygiene, and a dental sedation center.

The Florida Board of Dentistry (BOD) met on Friday, Nov. 17 in Orlando. The FDA was represented by FDA BOD Liaison Dr. Don Ilkka and Director of Third Party Payer and Professional Affairs Casey Stoutamire. Other FDA members in attendance included: Drs. Jim Antoon, Chris Berdy, Tom Biasteros, Andy Brown, Mike Eggnatz (FDA president), Oscar Morejon and Jolene Paramore (FDA president-elect).

All of the BOD members were present, which included: Ms. Cathy Cabanzon, chair; Drs. Joe Calderone, Naved Fatmi, Nick Kavouklis, Bill Kochenour, Claudio Miro, Robert Perdomo and T.J. Tejera; hygiene member, Ms. Angie Sissine; and, consumer member, Mr. Fabio Andrade. This was the first meeting for Dr. Kavouklis and Mr. Andrade, and the FDA looks forward to working with them. There is one dentist position and one consumer position open on the board that the governor has not yet filled.

The BOD heard a presentation on periodontal laser therapy by Dr. Sam Low. The presentation was timely since the board was considering a proposal later in the day to allow for the use of lasers by hygienists in periodontal therapy. Dr. Guy Shampaine also gave a presentation on the use of live patients in the dental licensing exam.

The board considered three rule proposals from the Council on Dental Hygiene. First, the BOD unanimously approved the council’s recommendation to add a dental hygienist to the probable cause panel when there is an investigation report of a dental hygienist or dental radiographer, but only if there is a hygienist (current or former board member) that is willing to serve. The hygienist will only be on the panel for the case involving the dental hygienist or dental radiographer. Second, the BOD unanimously approved the Hygiene Council’s recommendation to add the use of adjunctive oral cancer screening medical devices approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to the list of remediable tasks delegable to a dental hygienist. Third, the BOD discussed a proposal allowing hygienists to use lasers in periodontal therapy. This item was sent back to the Hygiene Council for further deliberation and revision. The FDA was opposed to the proposed language because it was vague, broad and did not specify a supervision level or limit the type of laser that could be used.

A group of dentists from South Florida and their attorney discussed their proposal for a dental sedation center. Basically, they would like to have an ambulatory surgical center without going through the formal process with the Agency for Health Care Administration. The BOD did not look favorably upon this proposal and stated they could “fix” the issue under the current BOD anesthesia rules by having the other dentists in their practice get their pediatric conscious sedation permits.

There were eight disciplinary cases, one recommended order and one voluntary relinquishment that dealt with failure to meet the standard of care, anesthesia, substance abuse and failing to keep proper dental records. If you have not yet attended a BOD meeting, it’s suggested that you take the opportunity to attend and see the work of the BOD. It’s much better to be a spectator than a participant in BOD disciplinary cases.

The FDA would like to congratulate Dr. Tejera on his election as chair and Dr. Fatmi on his election as vice chair of the BOD for 2018. The FDA looks forward to working with them in the upcoming year.

The next BOD meeting is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 16, 2018 at 7:30 a.m. EST in Gainesville. All meeting information can be found on their website here.

Today's FDA - Jan/Feb 2018

Mar 12, 2025