Board of Dentistry Meets in Tampa

Feb 9, 2024 by Casey Stoutamire
On Aug. 25, 2018, the Board of Dentistry covered topics such as the radiography program and restorative function dental auxiliary proposals, anesthesia, hygienist supervision levels and the recent opioid legislation.
The Florida Board of Dentistry (BOD) met in Tampa on Friday, Aug. 24. The Florida Dental Association (FDA) was represented by FDA BOD Liaison Dr. Don Ilkka and Director of Third Party Payer of Professional Affairs Casey Stoutamire. Other FDA members in attendance included Drs. Andy Brown, Leonard Britten and Bill Kochenour. Students from Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine and LECOM School of Dental Medicine also were in attendance with Lake Eerie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) Assistant Dean of Education Dr. Marc Ottenga.

All the BOD members were present, which included: Dr. T.J. Tejera, chair; Dr. Naved Fatmi, vice chair; Drs. Joe Calderone, Matt Freedman, Nick Kavouklis, Claudio Miro and Nick White; Ms. Cathy Cabanzon and Ms. Angie Sissine, hygiene members; and, Mr. Fabio Andrade, consumer member. There is one consumer position open on the board that the governor has not yet filled.

The FDA’s petition for variance for its online radiography course was approved. Dr. Bob Coleman from Michigan, who was instrumental in developing this course, was present at the meeting and did a great job addressing the BOD’s concerns. Please watch for more information coming soon on this new benefit for FDA members!

Ms. Sissine updated the BOD on the status of the restorative function dental auxiliary (RFDA) proposals discussed by the Rules Committee at its meeting on Thursday, Aug. 23. The committee has reviewed the FDA’s RFDA proposal from 2011 in an effort to allow dental hygienists and assistants to receive additional training to provide restorative functions. The committee reviewed draft language, which the FDA supports, and will hold a conference call in September or early October to finalize the rule language before sending the proposal to the Hygiene Council for its review. The proposal is on track to be voted upon by the full BOD at its November meeting.

Dr. Miro reported on the Anesthesia Committee’s in-person meeting on Aug. 23. The committee is working through edits to Rule 64B5-14: Anesthesia. There still are several issues outstanding and the committee anticipates meeting via conference call before the November meeting. Some of the items discussed were the age of a child (is it 7, 9 or 13); should a permit holder treating a child be required to take the Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) certification course, and if so, how often; should offices of permit holders be inspected every three years instead of every five years; and, should moderate sedation permit holders be required to show they can insert an IV during their inspection.

Ms. Cabazon presented draft language passed by the Hygiene Council in June for Rules 64B5-16.006: Tasks Delegable to a Dental Hygienist and 16.001, Definitions of Remediable Tasks and Supervision Levels. The council attempted to revise and reorder the language to make it easier to understand. Ultimately, the BOD passed a motion directing Mr. David Flynn, BOD counsel, to draft the language so that the remediable tasks are aligned by supervision level rather than education (which is similar to how the current language reads). There also was discussion on taking gingival curettage out of the rule as a remediable task, but since that language is still in the Florida statutes, the BOD left it in the rule even though it was stated on the record that this is no longer taught in dental hygiene programs.

The BOD continued its discussion on the recent opioid legislation signed by the governor, House Bill (HB) 21, and its implications for dentistry and the BOD moving forward. Informed Inc. was approved as a provider of the mandatory continuing education (CE) course. As a reminder, teaching permit holders will be required to take the two-hour CE course on opioids and they now are able to track their CE using CE Broker. The BOD will be doing a complete rewrite of Rule 64B5-17.0045: Standards for the Use of Controlled Substances for Treatment of Pain. There was a multi-board meeting of the boards of medicine, dentistry, nursing, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy and podiatric medicine on June 21 where draft language was proposed. The multi-board group will meet again on Sept. 21 to finalize the rule language. Mr. Flynn presented the draft language to the BOD for its review and asked that the members become familiar with the language, as he would like the full BOD to hold a conference call before its November meeting to approve the language. BOD Executive Director Ms. Jennifer Wenhold reminded the BOD that the Department of Health recently rolled out a website dedicated to HB 21 and its impact on providers. You can visit it by going to

There were seven disciplinary cases, one informal hearing not involving disputed issues of material facts, one determination of waiver, one recommended order and one voluntary relinquishment that dealt with fraudulently accessing opioid medications, failing to meet the minimum standard of care and Medicaid fraud. If you have not yet attended a BOD meeting, it is suggested that you take the opportunity to attend and see the work of the BOD. It is much better to be a spectator than a participant in BOD disciplinary cases.

And last, but certainly not least, Dr. Bill Kochenour was recognized for his service on the BOD. The FDA thanks him for his years of hard work serving the citizens of Florida and wishes him well in his future endeavors! 

The next BOD meeting is scheduled for Friday, Nov.16, 2018, at 7:30 a.m. EST in Lake Mary. For additional information on the BOD, click here.

Today's FDA - Sept/Oct 2018

Feb 13, 2025

Feb 8, 2025

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Feb 6, 2025